
Hi everyone! This is a special blog of me for the purpose of Essay Writing course. Big thanks for Mr. Gatot Sutapa, the lecturer of this course who guide me this far to keep writing. I kindly invite you to share your thoughts here. Let's amaze the world through the miracles of writing!


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Senin, 24 Maret 2014

Why Writing is Easy

Writing is one of the major skills in English. The same as speaking, writing is an active skill which requires learners to produce what they have in mind. However, this can lead the learners to the real problem of writing. According to Stephen King, a writer of A Memoir of the Craft, the scariest moment of writing is always just before starting. Learners are usually difficult to start writing with any kind of reasons. They easily give up, then instantly declare that writing is difficult. The learners say it because they perhaps don’t practice on writing regularly, or they don’t find any tips to write easier. They may even dislike writing at all. These learners do not realize that writing is not as difficult as they say. Writing is easy, like Gene Fowler said, all the learners do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on their forehead.
The first thing that learners can do with writing is that they can produce whatever their thoughts are. What they are thinking, experiencing, or observing, can be noted in form of writings. All they have to do is just preparing the writing tools and sit. As Ernest Hemingway said, “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” This may sound very simple, but this is the fact. Learners actually do not need to think twice to start writing, because writing is a kind of brainstorming the ideas. So, they just need to write whatever in their mind on pieces of papers.
Besides, writing doesn’t require too much attention on the theme that is going to be discussed. A quotation by C.S. Lewis said that learners can make anything by writing. It means that they who want to write something do not need to take time to think what the best theme to write. Students are free to choose the theme for their writings. This is related to the previous paragraph, where learners are also free to produce whatever in their mind. If they can realize this, it is sure that the learners will easily start writing without taking much time on the theme.
The other thing that make writing easy is that learners can revise what they have written. Writing allows them to do revising at the end of their writings. Unlike speaking, writing is a skill that provides learners to re-edit what they have produced. This is good because learners sometimes meet the reality which is in contrast to their writings. Revising is needed to correct the mistakes so the result of writings can be better and issued publicly.
Moreover, learners can do writing wherever and whenever they want. Writing is an activity which can be done in every situation. Learners can do writing at home, in an office, at school, even in a garden. Writing is not the same as the other skills which require the doers to meet the appropriate place and time. Wherever they are, people can actually write something in order to record what they have seen. Time also does not make it difficult because writing is an activity which gives people every single minute to do that.
In brief, writing is not that difficult like people say. Writing is easy as it can help people to produce whatever comes to their mind. This leads to the freedom of people to choose whatever topic they want to discuss. Writing allows people to tell the world their results of experience, observation, or even self-introspection. More than that, writing can be done wherever and whenever people want. People can do writing in every situation. As long as they have a desire to write, producing what they have in their mind in form of writings would not be so troubled.

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Mustarini Bella Vitiara
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